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Billy Denham - I saw the light

Billy Denham - I saw the light
Auteur-compositeur et interprète initial : Hank Williams, 1948.
Présent interprète : Billy DENHAM
son site :
son commentaire de cette chanson :
"IMHO Hanks greatest song. I hope you enjoy my feeble effort at pickin and singin."

Paroles de I saw the light :

1er couplet : I wandered so aimless, life filled with sin; I wouldn't ask my dear Saviour in. Then Jesus came like a stranger in the night; Praise the Lord, I saw the light!

Refrain : I saw the light, I saw the light. No more darkness; no more night. Now I'm so happy no sorrow in sight. Praise the Lord, I saw the light!

2ème couplet : Just like a blind man I wandered alone, Worries and fears I claimed for my own. Then like the blind man that Jesus gave back his sight; Praise the Lord, I saw the light!

3ème couplet : I was a fool to wander astray, For straight is the gate and narrow is the way. Now I have traded the wrong for the right; Praise the Lord, I saw the light! !

Style musical : country gospel Technique d'interprétation guitare : finger-picking style Chet Atkins)
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