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So Powerful - Elio Alcindor feat Kristal Chalmers

So Powerful - Elio Alcindor feat  Kristal Chalmers

Official Video for So Powerful (English version of Poderoso) by Elio Alcindor feat. Kristal Chalmers.

"In the midst of your battles, your help and refuge will always come from God, The Almighty, who never fails and will never fail you.".

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Oh Lord, You are powerful
You’re unbreakable, unsurpassable
Oh Lord, You’re so merciful
You’re infallible, incomparable.

I will my eyes to You
My help comes from you
Lord, I kneel before you
You are my refuge Lord

Oh Lord, You are powerful
You’re unbreakable, unsurpassable
Oh Lord, You’re so merciful
You’re infallible, incomparable.

I will my eyes to You
My help comes from you
Lord, I kneel before you
You are my refuge Lord

My refuge, Lord you are
My shelter, Lord you are
You’re my everything, everything Lord you are
Yes, You are, Yes You are.

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