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Toubaak - Who, on earth, erases sins (en arabe)

Toubaak - Who, on earth, erases sins (en arabe)
ABakker307------- Arabic Christian Song I've included the Arabic lyrics in the song itself (not sure if I have it in the right order though) les paroles sont: Who, on earth, erases sins, and removes iniquities from depths of the hearts Who, like Christ, has redeemed all nations For their sake endured death on the cross Yes he is Jesus my unique Master Yes he is Jesus my glorified King No shepherd like him has ever come to his people Leading them, guiding them, in His way Statisfying them, flooding them with His love Protecting them, guarding them, caring for them To him who cries out for Him He is the helper To the weak a support, an upholder, a protector To the bewildered an inspirerer a counselor, Lord His words to the lost guide and enlighten He is the availible counselor in your solitude He is the accompanying mate in your exile He is the clever guide in your journey He is the mighty helper in your ministry Pics of the internet
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